Design of distance courses in a web learning environment (WebLIDI)


  • Cecilia Verónica Sanz III-LIDI (Institute of Research in Computer Sciences LIDI), Facultad de Informática. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. La Plata, 1900, Argentina.
  • María Alejandra Zangara III-LIDI (Institute of Research in Computer Sciences LIDI), Facultad de Informática. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. La Plata, 1900, Argentina.
  • Alejandro Héctor González III-LIDI (Institute of Research in Computer Sciences LIDI), Facultad de Informática. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. La Plata, 1900, Argentina.
  • Armando Eduardo De Giusti III-LIDI (Institute of Research in Computer Sciences LIDI), Facultad de Informática. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. La Plata, 1900, Argentina.
  • Eduardo Ibañez III-LIDI (Institute of Research in Computer Sciences LIDI), Facultad de Informática. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. La Plata, 1900, Argentina.


Learning Environments, Distance Education, Interaction, Communication in Virtual Environments, Educative Technology


This paper presents some of the aspects related to the multidisciplinary research process initiated in III LIDI for the development of a learning environment focused on the WEB (WebLIDI). It attempts to gather, in a work group, the technology working logic and the basic notions about teaching and learning. This project not only aims at developing a distance course design methodology, but also at the possibility of applying it through the WebLIDI environment - based on the principles connected to the pedagogical and technological variables involved in teaching and learning instances. Some of the decisions taken throughout this process are here presented in detail, ranging from general information of a course to content structuring and evaluation possibilities. Also, the current state of the development - expected to be used experimentally as from the second semester of 2003- is specified.


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How to Cite

Sanz, C. V., Zangara, M. A., González, A. H., De Giusti, A. E., & Ibañez, E. (2004). Design of distance courses in a web learning environment (WebLIDI). Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 4(02), p. 105–108. Retrieved from



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