An experimental study on evolutionary reactive behaviors for mobile robots navigation


  • José A. Fernández León NTIA Research Institute – Computer and Systems Department Exact Sciences Faculty, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, (7000) Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Marcelo Alejandro Tosini NTIA Research Institute – Computer and Systems Department Exact Sciences Faculty, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, (7000) Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Gerardo Acosta INTELYMEC Group – Electromechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty - Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Nelson Acosta NTIA Research Institute – Computer and Systems Department Exact Sciences Faculty, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, (7000) Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Evolutionary Robotics, Evolutionary Neural Networks, Robotic Adaptability, Simulated Robotic Agents


Mobile robot's navigation and obstacle avoidance in an unknown and static environment is analyzed in this paper. From the guidance of position sensors, artificial neural network (ANN) based controllers settle the desired trajectory between current and a target point. Evolutionary algorithms were used to choose the best controller. This approach, known as Evolutionary Robotics (ER), commonly resorts to very simple ANN architectures. Although they include temporal processing, most of them do not consider the learned experience in the controller's evolution. Thus, the ER research presented in this article, focuses on the specification and testing of the ANN based controllers implemented when genetic mutations are performed from one generation to another. Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks based controllers were tested, with two variants: plastic neural networks (PNN) and standard feedforward (FFNN) networks. Also the way in which evolution was performed was also analyzed. As a result, controlled mutation do not exhibit major advantages against over the non controlled one, showing that diversity is more powerful than controlled adaptation.


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How to Cite

Fernández León, J. A., Tosini, M. A., Acosta, G., & Acosta, N. (2005). An experimental study on evolutionary reactive behaviors for mobile robots navigation. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 5(04), p. 183–188. Retrieved from



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