Buckets inverted lists for a search engine with BSP


  • Graciela Verónica Gil Costa LIDIC - Computer Science Department, University of San Luis, San Luis, Argentina
  • Alicia Marcela Printista LIDIC - Computer Science Department, University of San Luis, San Luis, Argentina
  • Juan Mauricio Marin Cahiuan Center of Web Research, University of Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile


textual databases, supersteps, search engine, BSP, buckets


Most information in science, engineering and business has been recorded in form of text. This information can be found online in the World-Wide-Web. One of the major tools to support information access are the search engines which usually use information retrieval techniques to rank Web pages based on a simple query and an index structure like the inverted lists. The retrieval models are the basis for the algorithms that score and rank the Web pages. The focus of this presentation is to show some inverted lists alternatives, based on buckets, for an information retrieval system. The main interest is how query performance is effected by the index organization on a cluster of PCs. The server design is effected on top of the parallel computing model Bulk Synchronous Parallel-BSP.


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How to Cite

Gil Costa, G. V., Printista, A. M., & Marin Cahiuan, J. M. (2006). Buckets inverted lists for a search engine with BSP. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 6(01), p. 28–35. Retrieved from https://journal.info.unlp.edu.ar/JCST/article/view/826



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