A model for the automatic mapping of tasks to processors in heterogeneous multi-cluster architectures


  • Laura Cristina De Giusti School of Computer Science, UNLP, Argentina
  • Franco Chichizola School of Computer Science, UNLP, Argentina
  • Marcelo Naiouf School of Computer Science, UNLP, Argentina
  • Ana Ripoll Computer and Operating Systems Architecture Departament, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
  • Armando Eduardo De Giusti School of Computer Science, UNLP, Argentina


Parallel Systems, Cluster and Multi-Cluster Architectures, Performance Prediction Models, Mapping of Tasks to Processors, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Processors


This paper discusses automatic mapping methods for concurrent tasks to processors applying graph analysis for the relation among tasks, in which processing and communicating times are incorporated. Starting by an analysis in which processors are homogeneous and data transmission times do not depend on the processors that are communicating (a typical case in homogeneous clusters), we progress to extend the model to heterogeneous processors having the possibility of different communication levels, applicable to a multicluster. Some results obtained with the model and future work lines are presented, particularly, the possibility of obtaining the required optimal number of processors, keeping a constant efficiency level.


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How to Cite

De Giusti, L. C., Chichizola, F., Naiouf, M., Ripoll, A., & De Giusti, A. E. (2007). A model for the automatic mapping of tasks to processors in heterogeneous multi-cluster architectures. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 7(01), p. 39–44. Retrieved from https://journal.info.unlp.edu.ar/JCST/article/view/801



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