Distributed systems: principles and paradigms (2nd edition)


  • Fernando Gustavo Tinetti III-LIDI, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, Buenos Aires, Argentina


This book presents the authors' updated view on the most relevant topics of distributed systems. This second edition shares most of the contents with the previous one in terms of contents/chapters, but many of the chapters have been updated and some new material has been added. Most notably, a new chapter on distributed systems architectures has been added as Chapter 2, giving a general view on the ways distributed systems can be organized.


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[1] Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0130888931, 2002.
[2] Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design (4th Edition), George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, Addison Wesley/Pearson Education, ISBN 0321263545, 2005.
[3] http://www.distributed-systems.net/index.html/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=22




How to Cite

Tinetti, F. G. (2011). Distributed systems: principles and paradigms (2nd edition). Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 11(02), p. 115–116. Retrieved from https://journal.info.unlp.edu.ar/JCST/article/view/679

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