Logical foundations and implementation of an extension of temporal logic


  • María Laura Cobo Departamento de Cs. e Ing.de la Computación, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
  • Juan Carlos Augusto Departamento de Cs. e Ing.de la Computación, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina


Temporal Logic, Logic Programming, Temporal Logic Programming


The need of counting with the appropiate management of situations involving time an the motion of change, has been reconized as an important aspect in many Computer Science areas. This fact has made evident the need of tools to handle this kind of imformation. As a reflection of this relevance many temporal logic programming languages have been propose in the last few years. In particular, wel will present here a temporal logic programming called ETP. This language is based on the proposal prsented by Gabbay in (Gab87). The present article concerns the explanation of its logical foundations and the most important aspects of its implementation. We are going to leave out the interpreters implementation code of this new language for space reasons, although, the reader can find it in (Cob98). Initially we will present an abstract of Gabbays work in order to familiarize the reader with the language we are going to extend an we will explain the usefulness of such extension. As regards the extension, we will provide the extended logica in detail and the definition of the language taht take it as its base. We will also present the algorithm which provides answers for teh queries of this language. The algorithum will be accompanied by a demonstration to prove that it computes a total function. Finally some examples will be presented to show potential uses of the language, together with the analysis of the goals reached and teh remaining tasks.


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How to Cite

Cobo, M. L., & Augusto, J. C. (2000). Logical foundations and implementation of an extension of temporal logic. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 1(02), 15 p. Retrieved from https://journal.info.unlp.edu.ar/JCST/article/view/1018



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